Planned work ID: 1905
Release date: 19-Sep-2019
Site: FICIX-2 Helsinki
Type of maintenance: Software upgrade
Impact to services: Site down
Start: 03-Oct-2019 06:00 EET-DST (UTC +3h)
End: 03-Oct-2019 07:00 EET-DST (UTC +3h)
Service Provider: Elisa Santa Monica Oy
contact info: support@santacare.net
General enquiries: contact@ficix.fi
DETAILS: The FICIX-2 IXP switch will have software upgraded. Upgrade will bring fixes to statistic-issues of the switch-platform, and is part of continuous maintenance plan for keeping the switch-platform stabile and reliable.
The update will cause all services to be down. Estimated duration of the work is under one hour.
Members are requested NOT to shutdown ports during the work.
However, to avoid unnecessary blackholing of traffic, preferring FICIX-1 NLRI’s is recommendable action.
FICIX-1 and FICIX-3 sites will be in full operation during the work.
Members should notify internal and external operational units about this
planned work, most important being NOC’s and Helpdesks/Customer Services.