Site: FICIX-2 Helsinki
Type of maintenance: Software upgrade
Impact to services: Site down
Start: 14-Jul-2021 03:00 EET-DST (UTC +3h)
End: 14-Jul-2021 05:00 EET-DST (UTC +3h)
Service Provider: Elisa SantaMonica
contact info: support@santacare.net
General enquiries: contact@ficix.fi
DETAILS: The FICIX-2 IXP switch will have software upgraded.
The update will cause all services via FICIX-2 to be down. Estimated duration of the work is under one hour.
Members are requested NOT to shutdown ports during the work.
However, to avoid unnecessary blackholing of traffic, preferring FICIX-1/3 NLRI's is recommendable action.
FICIX-1 and FICIX-3 sites will be in full operation during the work.
Members should notify internal and external operational units about this
planned work, most important being NOC's and Helpdesks/Customer Services.